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Have you ever wondered how sports betting and overtime relate to each other? Well, you're in luck! In this article, 🌧️ we'll explore the connection between the two and what it means for bettors.

First, let's define what sports betting and overtime 🌧️ are. Sports betting is the activity of predicting the outcome of a sporting event, such as a football or basketball 🌧️ game. Overtime, on the other hand, is a common way to decide the winner in sports competitions when the score 🌧️ is tied at the end of regular time.

Now, let's dive into how overtime affects sports betting. In many cases, overtime 🌧️ can significantly impact the outcome of bets, especially in sports like football, basketball, and hockey. This is because overtime is 🌧️ often included in the results for most bets, including moneylines and point spreads. So, if a game ends in a 🌧️ tie at the end of regular time, overtime can completely flip the script on the odds and results of bets.

But 🌧️ how exactly does overtime affect bets? Well, let's say you bet on a team to win and, at the same 🌧️ time, the game goes into overtime. In this scenario, your bet would still be considered a winner. However, there is 🌧️ a catch - some bookmakers may refuse to pay out, citing their own rules and regulations. Additionally, some bettors may 🌧️ not realize that certain types of bets, such as over/under bets, can provide alternative ways to bet and offer more 🌧️ competitive odds.

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